is pi digital currency legit Knowledge graph

2024-12-14 12:35:46

Today's market closed at 3391.88. Looking at the trend of the market index, it is normal for the kdj daily line to reach a high level today! ! Moreover, today's volume is higher than that of the previous days, indicating that someone is undertaking it. In the event of a big drop, retail investors are generally selling it, so it can only undertake the main institutions, and the kdj of 30 minutes and 60 minutes has reached the bottom, and you can turn your head up at any time! I boldly predict that the dishwashing will end within next week and start the rising mode in December! Let's look forward to witnessing together! Personal opinion, for reference only!

Today's market closed at 3391.88. Looking at the trend of the market index, it is normal for the kdj daily line to reach a high level today! ! Moreover, today's volume is higher than that of the previous days, indicating that someone is undertaking it. In the event of a big drop, retail investors are generally selling it, so it can only undertake the main institutions, and the kdj of 30 minutes and 60 minutes has reached the bottom, and you can turn your head up at any time! I boldly predict that the dishwashing will end within next week and start the rising mode in December! Let's look forward to witnessing together! Personal opinion, for reference only!Have a nice weekend, and we'll see you next week.Large-capacity tickets facilitate the entry and exit of large funds. At the end of the year, the fund ranks as the market value, and the state-owned enterprises maintain and increase their value. It can be seen that it is possible for Guangdong and Guangxi to get out of the New Year's market, and they will not move when the market has plummeted for nearly two consecutive points, and they already have a joint force.

Today's closing summary sharingLarge-capacity tickets facilitate the entry and exit of large funds. At the end of the year, the fund ranks as the market value, and the state-owned enterprises maintain and increase their value. It can be seen that it is possible for Guangdong and Guangxi to get out of the New Year's market, and they will not move when the market has plummeted for nearly two consecutive points, and they already have a joint force.Today's market closed at 3391.88. Looking at the trend of the market index, it is normal for the kdj daily line to reach a high level today! ! Moreover, today's volume is higher than that of the previous days, indicating that someone is undertaking it. In the event of a big drop, retail investors are generally selling it, so it can only undertake the main institutions, and the kdj of 30 minutes and 60 minutes has reached the bottom, and you can turn your head up at any time! I boldly predict that the dishwashing will end within next week and start the rising mode in December! Let's look forward to witnessing together! Personal opinion, for reference only!

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